Meet Taylor Allen

What is your official job title at EHS and a general description of your job duties?

My official job title is OSHA Program Specialist, responsible for overseeing OSHA programs. This includes but is not limited to the Hearing Conservation and the Respiratory Protection Programs. I also have been tasked as the liaison for University Health Services to help ensure that employees covered under OSHA programs are in compliance with their required medical surveillance.


How long have you been with EHS?  

I began working for Ohio State in early February 2020.  It has been an astonishing three months.  Time flies when you're in a global pandemic.


Why did you decide on a career in health and safety?

At my previous job, I worked solely as an environmental specialist, but one day the health and safety manager left the company. My boss, trying to fill the vacancy on a temporary basis, asked me to take on some of those job duties. I really enjoyed the work and eventually took over that position while still maintaining the environmental aspect. When the OSHA Program Specialist position at Ohio State was posted, I was ready to make the leap to a strictly health and safety emphasis.


What is your favorite thing about Ohio State?  

The camaraderie that exists among anyone affiliated with Ohio State. In almost any room, I can find someone who graduated from Ohio State or is fan or knows a student here, and it helps connect perfect strangers. It is truly one of the most magical things about this university and makes me so proud to be a part of it.  


What do you enjoy doing outside of work?  

I really enjoy cooking, reading, playing volleyball, and loving on any and all furry creatures.


What is your favorite quote, TV show, movie, or book?

My all-time favorite TV shows are a toss-up between F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and The Office. I have seen both an embarrassing number of times, so feel free to quiz me!