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Radiation Safety Programs and Services

Radiation Safety has oversight of more than 600 laboratories that either work with or store radioactive material or radiation generating devices. We seek to provide a safe working environment for radiation workers, patients and the general university public while allowing creative and breakthrough research to continue. 

Please visit our staff directory for department contact information.


Emergency Spill Response
Decommissioning and Maintenance Surveys

Decommissioning - Facilities that are currently, or ever have been, posted for the active use or storage of radioactive materials that are designated for renovation or demolition must be decommissioned prior to being released. Decommissioning activities typically involve more extensive contamination surveys of the facilities beyond the close-out survey performed when the facility was no longer posted for the use of radioactive materials.

Depending on the size and scope of the decommissioning activity, 3-6 months prior to initiation of renovations/demolition should be sufficient for Radiation Safety to complete any necessary decommissioning activities. 

Maintenance Survey - When equipment that has been used with radioactive materials requires service or is being sent to surplus for disposal, a survey for contamination must be performed prior to transport of the unit or performance of the work. Examples of such equipment include, but are not limited to: hot sinks, fume hoods, refrigerators, freezers and analytical instruments.

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Please see below for a list of Laboratory Safety Compliance Officers by building.

College / Administrative UnitEHS Contact
•  College of Engineering
•  College of Arts & Sciences(except Anthropology, EEOB, Microbiology, Molecular Genetics)
Mitch Baker

•  College of Medicine (Rightmire)
•  College of Food, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (Columbus Campus)

•  College of Veterinary Medicine

Karsen Highly

•  College of Medicine (Graves Hall, Tzagournis MRF)

•  College of Dentistry

Dave Puskas
•  College of Medicine (Davis Center, Doan, DHLRI, McCampbell, Polaris, Starling-Loving)
•  College of Education and Human Ecology
Zac Van Gundy
•  Biological Research Tower (BRT), L-TRIP (Kinnear), ULARHolly Ferris

•  2012 Kenny Rd, Ackerman Rd, Atwell Hall, Hamilton Hall, IBMR, James CHRI, Morehouse Institute, Neuroscience Building, Rhodes Hall, Wiseman Hall, Care Point East, Dermatology East and West, CCC

​•  Marion Campus
•  Health Sciences
•  College of Nursing
•  College of Public Health​

•  South Centers
•  County Extensions

Jenna Dickerson
•  College of Pharmacy
•  College of Arts & Sciences (Anthropology, EEOB, Microbiology, Molecular Genetics)
•  College of Optometry
Eric Petz
Increased Controls

The university possesses certain materials of concerns. To gain unescorted access to these materials, individuals must subject themselves to an extensive background check. Individuals must notify the University Radiation Safety Officer to initiate the multi-step process:

  1. Submission of fingerprints to US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
  2. ​Extensive check of education, employment history and references by an outside firm.

Once all of the information is received and reviewed by the Radiation Safety Officer then a determination is made and the individual notified. This process can take at least 4 weeks. Please plan accordingly.

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Laser Safety

Laser and laser systems present a potential safety hazard to students, staff and faculty if the device is not used and/or stored properly. The primary purpose of The Ohio State University Laser Safety Program is to ensure that no laser radiation in excess of the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limit reaches the human eye or skin. In addition, the program is designed to ensure adequate protection against non-beam (collateral) hazards that can be associated with lasers.

All Class 3B and 4 laser and laser systems must be registered with the Radiation Safety Section of Environmental Health and Safety using the form LS-1 “Laser Registration Form.” Please complete the form and return via email to

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Liquid Scintillation Counters
Medical Radiation Safety

The Ohio State University's Medical Radiation Safety Program ensures that all clinical and research uses of radioactive materials and radiation generating equipment are conducted safely to promote a safe working environment for Ohio State employees as well as members of the general public.

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For questions, please contact Dramane Konate at 614-688-2599.

Non-medical X-ray Devices

Devices capable of generating ionizing radiation referred to as radiation-generating devices (RGD) present a potential safety hazard to students, staff and faculty if the device is not used and/or stored properly. Safety requirements for analytical x-ray units, bone densitometers, industrial radiography and x-ray irradiation devices are listed in The Ohio State University Radiation Safety Procedures Manual for Radiation-Generating Devices (Non-Human Use) and the Ohio Department of Health regulations.

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Ohio Department of Health Licensing and Registration

It is the responsibility of the Radiation Safety Section to maintain all applicable licenses and registrations for all radioactive materials and radiation generating equipment. Continual efforts are made to ensure that each license and / or registration is up-to-date and accurate.

ODH Registration

For questions, please contact Dramane Konate at 614-688-2599.

Personnel Monitoring

The most common methods to measure external exposures to radiation are whole body and ring dosimeters or badges. Dosimeters are issued to individuals who are likely to exceed 10% of the dose limits set for occupational workers. Please review the important documents below:

Fees for Dosimetry Badges to Detect Exposure to Radiation

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For questions or additional information, please contact the dosimetry program coordinator at

Procurement and Receipt of Radioactive Material

All requisitions for radioactive materials must be approved by Radiation Safety before the requisition can be forwarded to OSURF or University Purchasing so the product can ordered. Procurement cards cannot be used to acquire radioactive materials. Orders cannot be accepted by phone, fax or e-mail.

It is the responsibility of lab personnel to make sure the requisition is clearly marked as an order for Radioactive Material. 

Please always use the RS-26: Worksheet to Order Radioactve Material each time an order is placed.  

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For questions or additional information, please contact the dosimetry program coordinator at

Radiation Safety Laboratory Inspection

The Radiation Safety Section of Environmental Health and Safety performs semi-annual performance-based inspections of all Type B, C and storage-only laboratories posted for the use of radioactive materials. Type A laboratories are inspected monthly.

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Each building on campus is assigned a Laboratory Compliance Officer for all radiation and research safety related issues, including laboratory inspections.

Ackerman RoadJenna Dickerson
AronoffEric Petz
Biological SciencesEric Petz
Biomedical Research TowerHolly Ferris
Campbell HallMitch Baker
Comprehensive Cancer CenterJenna Dickerson
Davis Heart & Lung Research InstZac VanGundy
Davis Medical Research CenterZac VanGundy
Evans LabMitch Baker
Goss LabZac VanGundy
Graves HallDave Puskas
Hamilton HallJenna Dickerson
IBMRJenna Dickerson
Howlett HallKarsen Highly
Kottman HallKarsen Highly
McPhersonEric Petz
Parks HallEric Petz
Pelotonia Research CenterJenna Dickerson
Plumb HallKarsen Highly
Postle HallDave Puskas
Rhodes HallDave Puskas
Riffe BuildingEric Petz
Rightmire HallKarsen Highly
Scott LabMitch Baker
Sisson HallZac VanGundy
Smith LabEric Petz
Tzagournis Medical Research Fac.Dave Puskas
Veterinary HospitalKarsen Highly
Veterinary Medicine Academic Bldg.Karsen Highly
Wiseman HallDave Puskas
Wooster / OARDCJenna Dickerson
Radioactive Material Permits and Amendments

To obtain authorization for the use of radioactive materials from the University Radiation Safety Committee (URSC), an RS-1 form, Application for a Permit for the Use of Radioactive Materials, must be completed. This permit must undergo a pre-review by Radiation Safety prior to final submission to the URSC. The Approved Supervisor will receive written notification of the permit’s status after the URSC review.

Once a faculty member or equivalent has submitted a RS-1 and has received final approval to use radioactive material from the University Radiation Safety Committee and Radiation Safety, the continued use of RAM will be allowed only if the “approved supervisor” completes and returns the required paper work sent out annually by the Radiation Safety Section of EHS.

Changes to current authorizations can be made by submitting a completed RS-7 form, Request for Amendment to Approved Permit. This form is used for the addition of chemical groups, for activity increases, to add or delete locations of use, for procedural changes and for radionuclide additions. 

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For questions, please contact your inspector or

Radioactive Waste Disposal

Radioactive waste is usually picked up on Thursdays. The weekly pick-up list is printed out Monday morning, so requests for that week must be submitted before then. Should the weekly pick-up date have to be moved for a holiday, weather, illness, etc.; labs will be notified of the new pick-up date.

Use the Radioactive Waste Management Handbook to answer questions about waste disposal.

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Radioactive Waste Billing

For questions or additional information, please contact

RS Forms

For questions, please contact

Applications and Amendments for the Use of Radioactive Material
RS-1Application for a Permit for the use of Radioactive Material in a Research Lab
RS-1Section 4 Additional Page
RS-1Section 8 Additional Page
RS-1SOApplication for a Permit for the Storage Only Radioactive Material
RS-1SSApplication for a Permit for Use / Storage of a Radioactive Sealed Source
RS-5Radioactive Lab Animal Information
RS-7Request for Amendment to Approved Permit
Documentation of Training of Users of Radioactive Material
RS-2RS-2 Authorized User Information
RS-06Annual In-Lab Training of Approved Users
Monitoring for Radiation
RS-10Badge Request
RS-11Authorization to Obtain Exposure Records
RS-12Lost or Damaged Badge
RS-13Declaration of Pregnancy
RS-14Acknowledgment of Radiation Exposure Limitations for a Minor
RS-30New Series Information and Billing
Research Lab Records
RS-15Laboratory Survey Results
RS-21Radioactive Material Stock Vial Record
Radioactive Waste Management
RS-16De Minimis Quantity Verification -- Liquid Scintillation Media (VIALS ONLY)
RS-17De Minimis Quantity Verification -- Liquid Scintillation Media (NO VIALS)
RS-18De Minimis Quantity Verification -- Animal Carcasses
RS-19AHot Sink Disposal Record (January - June)
RS-19BHot Sink Disposal Record (July - December)
RS-20Disposal of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
Ordering and Receiving Radioactive Materials
RS-25Internal Isotope Request Form
RS-26Worksheet for a Requisition for Radioactive Materials
RS-27OARDC RAM Package Receipt Worksheet
RS-28OARDC Radioactive Material Package Log
Medical Use of Radioactive Material
RSM-1Medical Use of Radioactive Material Application
RSM-2Medical Use Preceptor Statement
RSM-3Authorized Medical Physicist Training, Experience, and Preceptor Attestation (3701:1-58-19)
RSM-4Authorized Nuclear Pharmacist Training, Experience, and Preceptor Attestation (3701:1-58-20)
RSM-5Authorized User Training, Experience, and Preceptor Attestation (3701:1-58-32; -34; -53; and -72 RSL)
RSM-6Authorized User Training, Experience, and Preceptor Attestation (3701:1-58-43; -55; -72 GNP; and -72 Y90)
RSM-7Authorized User Training, Experience, and Preceptor Attestation (3701:1-58-37)
RSM-8Application for Investigational Human Use of Radioactive Materials
Radiation Generating Devices
RGD-1Registration for the Use / Storage of Radiation-Generating Devices
RGD-2Template for Electron Microscope Standard Operating Procedures
RGD-3Template for Radiation (x-ray) Producing Devices Standard Operating Procedures
LS-1Laser Registration Form
LS-2Template for Laser Standard Operating Procedure
Radiation Safety Standards

The purpose of this program is to communicate administrative policy, operational procedures, and standards of conduct regarding the use of radioactive material (RAM) and radiation generating equipment (RGE) at The Ohio State University. Ohio State is committed to a positive safety culture and expects that individuals and organizations performing regulated activities involving radioactive material and radiation-generating devices will establish and maintain a positive safety culture environment.

Radiation Safety Standards

Survey Instrument Calibration and Repair

Instruments and equipment used for quantitative radiation measurements are required to be calibrated on an annual basis according to chapter 3701: 1-38-14 of the Ohio Administrative Code.

Meters being used for licensed activities should always have a current calibration sticker and certificate on file from either Radiation Safety or the manufacturer.

Radiation Safety maintains a database of current “in use” meters used by both research labs and clinical areas within the Wexner Medical Center. Meters are picked up, calibrated and returned within five business days during the calendar month of the calibration due date. Major repairs or calibrations that cannot be performed by Radiation Safety must be done by returning the instrument to the manufacturer at the lab's cost.

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University Radiation Safety Committee

The University Radiation Safety Committee (URSC) is mandated by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), and is comprised of faculty and staff from The Ohio State University. The URSC oversees the Radiation Safety Program. The URSC is responsible for the control and direction of the Radiation Safety Program. The URSC reviews and approves all permits for the use of radioactive materials, makes policy decisions to be implemented by the Radiation Safety office and takes corrective actions when infractions of ODH rules are identified. The URSC has the authority to grant and revoke permission to use radioactive materials at all locations of The Ohio State University.

The URSC has 4 subcommittees:

  • Medical Use Subcommittee - The Medical Use Subcommittee provides recommendations to the URSC regarding research and clinical applications to use radioactive materials with humans.
  • Crisis and Monitoring Subcommittee - The Crisis and Monitoring Subcommittee provides recommendations to the URSC on resource needs and measures necessary to eliminate any perceived, or prevent any projected, non-compliance action by the Ohio Department of Health.
  • Audit Subcommittee - The Audit Subcommittee performs an independent audit of the Radiation Safety program. The written annual report by the AS is provided to the URSC for review and final approval.
  • X-ray Subcommittee - The X-ray Subcommittee provides recommendations to the URSC regarding research and clinical uses of ionizing radiation producing devices. Responsibilities include monitoring the institutional program to maintain occupational doses as low as reasonably achievable including a review of investigations into ALARA level II exposures; reviewing and making recommendations on inspection results from the Ohio Department of Health and corrective actions implemented by Ohio State; performing an annual audit of the X-ray Safety Program; and reviewing radiation incidents with respect to cause and corrective actions.

View additional URSC information

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