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Excellence in Safety Awards


The University Laboratory Safety Committee’s Excellence in Safety Awards recognize a university faculty or staff member, student, and a laboratory research group who have made a considerable contribution to improving laboratory safety on the Ohio State campus. Such contributions can be defined as but are not limited to actions taken to prevent injury or illness, outstanding response and cooperation given to resolve unsafe conditions, consistent improvement during laboratory inspections, or any other consistent and proactive demonstration of efforts in support of a positive laboratory safety culture.


Nominations are accepted from early February through March annually. The ULSC will review nominations and choose the award winners, with presentations made in May. Individuals and research groups winners will receive commemorative plaques. Previously nominated individuals and/or groups are eligible to be nominated again, but previous winners cannot be nominated for the same contribution to safety.  



Environmental Health and Safety and the Office of Research coordinate and implement the University Laboratory Safety Committee (ULSC). The goal of the ULSC is to enhance the safety culture at The Ohio State University by helping to shape safety programs, review and distribute new regulatory information, and provide feedback from the university community regarding current laboratory safety incidents or issues. The ULSC consists of faculty, research staff, graduate students, and department safety coordinators.

As always, thank you for your commitment to making The Ohio State University a safe working environment for everyone!

Congratulations, Winners!