The University Laboratory Safety Committee (ULSC) at The Ohio State University recognized the sixth annual winners of the “Excellence in Safety” Award. The award, in three categories, recognizes a university faculty or staff member (Individual Award), an undergraduate or graduate student (Student Award) and a laboratory research group (Group Award) who has made a considerable contribution to improving laboratory safety on the Ohio State campus. Such contributions can be defined as, but are not limited to, actions taken to prevent injury or illness, outstanding response and cooperation given to resolve unsafe conditions, consistent improvement during laboratory inspections, or any other consistent and proactive demonstration of efforts in support of a positive laboratory safety culture.
Individual Award - Scott Wolfe

Scott is a researcher and building coordinator in the Department of Entomology. In June 2022, an unprecedented weather event caused a nearly week long power outage on the Wooster campus. Scott worked tirelessly to ensure that backup emergency power was provided to essential equipment in the Wooster Science Building that held invaluable preserved research samples as well as live insects and plants used in experimental research led by faculty members. He immediately implemented the emergency back-up plan, which required assembling and connecting hundreds of feet of heavy-duty extension cords run from emergency outlets in closets to the most important equipment throughout the building. Scott also monitored heat and humidity within the building, enacting simple yet innovative solutions to mitigate damage to research insect colonies and samples within freezer and fridge storage. Scott’s efforts resulted in minimal loss of research specimens for the Entomology department.
Student Award - Isabella Richardson

Isabella is an undergraduate student in Environmental Engineering. She is the current safety officer for the Underwater Robotics Team, an interdisciplinary student project team that specializes in the design, construction, and operation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). Isabella worked with EHS to develop a lab safety program for the team. The development of this program replicates the university’s Research Lab Safety program and emphasizes SOP development, risk assessments and training. Isabella has even incorporated the EHS online system to better manage the program and ensure information is available for everyone involved. The safety program creates a level of consistency that prepares students for their transition to graduate research labs on campus. In addition, Isabella has demonstrated a strong commitment to safety by ensuring students are properly trained and educated about the hazards present in the lab.
Group Award - Center for Food Animal Health (CFAH), Department of Animal Sciences, Animal Care Staff

The CFAH Animal Care Staff who received the group award are Juliette Hanson, Jane Cooper, Jeff Ogg, Megan Strother, Sara Tallmadge and Ronna Wood.
The team has developed and implemented biosecurity protocols within animal research facilities, working with faculty, staff, and students to meet the needs of personnel. Working together, they developed training for new employees and students regarding biosecurity and biosafety measures, building procedures as well as animal care and safety prior to new employees working in animal housing and research facilities. The team continuously upholds the requirements of Environmental Health (EHS) and Safety, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Institutional Biosafety Committee, and animal health requirements and safety findings and works collaboratively with EHS and Facilities Services to maintain laboratory, animal housing, and research facility needs. In addition, they assist in upholding AALAAC accreditation for university animal facilities and go the extra step to achieve excellence in animal care and use.