Hot Work Permits

One of the program areas that Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) addresses commonly is referred to in the construction industry as “Hot Work.” Hot work includes any operation producing flame, sparks or heat. Examples of hot work include but are not limited to torch cutting, welding, brazing, grinding, sawing, torch soldering, thawing frozen pipes and applying roofing. The purpose for the hot work program is to ensure that spark- and flame-producing construction and maintenance activities do not present an undue fire hazard to the people and property of The Ohio State University.

Before conducting any hot work at Ohio State, a hot work permit (HWP) must be obtained from an EHS representative or by downloading from the website. Additionally, arrangements must be made for an inspection of the hot work area by an EHS representative before performing the hot work. HWPs are issued for a specific job being preformed at a specific time period.  After the hot work area has been inspected, the EHS representative will sign-off on the HWP. The HWP should be posted in a conspicuous location near the area where the hot work is being performed.

The following list provides things to keep in mind before, during and after hot work is performed:

  • Can the object needing hot work be moved to a safer area (e.g., outdoors)?  If not, obtain a HWP.
  • Address building smoke detectors and sprinkler systems by contacting Ohio State’s Fire Safety Systems at 614-247-1549 before starting any hot work activities.
  • Relocate all combustible materials at least 35' horizontally from the work area. Where relocation is impractical, protect combustibles with fire-resistant covers.
  • Properly cover all openings or cracks in walls, floors, or ducts within 35' of the work area to prevent the passage of sparks into adjacent areas.
  • Have a fire watcher present wherever hot work is being performed. The fire watcher should have fire extinguishing equipment readily available, be familiar with the procedures for sounding an alarm in the event of a fire and remain in the hot work area for a minimum of 30 minutes after the completion of hot work activities.
  • Finally, conduct a final check of the hot work area and all adjacent areas at the end of the work day to detect and extinguish possible smoldering fires.

After the hot work is completed, the HWP must be sent back to the EHS representative.

If you have any questions regarding hot work, please contact Taylor Allen at 614-292-4648