Annual renewals of Approved Supervisor Permits to Use Radioactive Material


Permits must be renewed annually

Once a faculty member or equivalent (Approved Supervisor) has submitted a RS-1 and has received final approval to use radioactive material from the University Radiation Safety Committee and Radiation Safety, the continued use of radioactive material will be allowed only if the Approved Supervisor completes and returns the required paper work sent out annually by the Radiation Safety Section of EHS.

The Annual Renewal Check List

Ensure all lab personnel have completed the On-Line Radiation Safety Course.  All lab personnel must have the On-Line Radiation Safety Short Course regardless of whether or not the person uses radioactive material. This training is available at the EHS website.

This course is only required once.

  •  Complete and sign the Annual Renewal Letter. The bottom portion of one-year renewal letter must be filled out and signed by the approved supervisor.
  •  Review and sign the Radioactive Materials Project Data Summary.  Indicate corrections and changes on this form if needed.

  •  Document the Annual In-Lab training on the RS-6 form. Each user should complete all the fields on the form.  Results of performance based training and written  assessments must be documented on the RS-6 form.

    • The RS-6 must be signed and dated by the approved supervisor and the person who conducted the training .

    • If a new worker will be using radioactive materials, the person must receive initial lab-specific radiation safety training from the Approved Supervisor or designee prior to use of any radioactive materials. 

    • All approved radioactive material users listed on the radiation permit are required to attend annual lab-specific radiation safety training.

  • All of these materials and a blank copy of the quiz must be sent to Radiation Safety, The Ohio State University, 1314 Kinnear Road Columbus, Ohio 43212