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Mercury Information


Chemical States: Elemental, inorganic, and organic (alkyl/methyl and aryl/phenyl)

Order of Toxicity (Low to High): Elemental< inorganic< organic (aryl/phenyl< alkyl/methyl) Target Organs/Tissue: Kidneys, central nervous system (CNS)/brain, and skin


  • Kidneys: Inorganic mercury, aryl/phenyl mercury
  • CNS/Brain: Elemental mercury and alkyl/methyl mercury

Routes of Exposure: Inhalation, absorption, and ingestion

Health Effects:

  • Kidneys: Reduced kidney function
  • CNS/Brain: Psychological, emotional, and behavioral disorders
  • Skin: Irritation, allergic reaction


  • Elemental: Thermometers, electrical switches, fluorescent lamps, dental amalgams Inorganic Mercury: Tanning, dyeing, pharmaceuticals
  • Alkyl (Methyl) Mercury: Disinfectants, wood preservatives, fungicides
  • Aryl (Phenyl) Mercury: Disinfectants, antiseptics, germicides, pharmaceutical preservatives 


  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)/Center for Disease Control (CDC)
    • 1,000 ng/m3 for residence with children and 24 hour occupancy
    • 3,000 ng/m3 for children and adults with 8 hour per day and 5 day a week occupancy with polyurethane floors
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    • 0.05 mg/m3 for 8 hours a day as a time weighted average (TWA); Or
    • 50,000 ng/m3 for 8 hours a day, as a time weighted average (TWA)

Precautions and Prevention Measures

  • Regularly clean and sanitize floor Exercise personal hygiene
  • Ventilate the space
  • Maintain low temperatures below 78 degree Farenheit 
  • Regular visual inspection for floor damage
  • Limit usage and encourage outdoor usage
  • Monitor air quality and report findings
  • Abate floor mat