Radioactive Material Permitting and Amendments


To obtain authorization for the use of radioactive materials from the University Radiation Safety Committee (URSC), an RS-1 form, Application for a Permit for the Use of Radioactive Materials, must be completed. This permit must undergo a pre-review by Radiation Safety prior to final submission to the URSC. The Approved Supervisor will receive written notification of the permit’s status after the URSC review.

Once a faculty member or equivalent has submitted a RS-1 and has received final approval to use radioactive material from the University Radiation Safety Committee and Radiation Safety, the continued use of RAM will be allowed only if the “approved supervisor” completes and returns the required paper work sent out annually by the Radiation Safety Section of EHS.

Changes to current authorizations can be made by submitting a completed RS-7 form, Request for Amendment to Approved Permit. This form is used for the addition of chemical groups, for activity increases, to add or delete locations of use, for procedural changes and for radionuclide additions.