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Waste Chemical Disposal


The University has very broad policies that require compliance by students, faculty, and staff. These policies involve the various air and water pollution rules, regulations, and standards issued by local, state, and federal agencies that govern waste chemicals. Except where permitted, there shall be no purposeful discharge of waste chemicals to sinks, drains, or sewers without the explicit authority of the regulating authority. Generally, the use of hot sinks for the disposal of low level radioactive isotopes is one of the few permitted means of disposal. Based upon these circumstances, the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) has provided a no-cost service of properly storing, transporting, and disposing of waste chemicals generated on all campuses. A generator of such waste can request a pickup by simply contacting EHS. Instructions are contained in other documents on this website. One must register to request a login which is promptly provided. Once the login is received, an individual can request several services including chemical waste management consultation, waste chemical pickup, infectious waste pickup, and surplus chemical delivery.