Laser and laser systems present a potential safety hazard to students, staff, and faculty if the device is not used and/or stored properly. The primary purpose of The Ohio State University Laser Safety Program is to ensure that no laser radiation in excess of the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limit reaches the human eye or skin. In addition, the program is designed to ensure adequate protection against non-beam (collateral) hazards that can be associated with lasers.
Knowledge Base
Topic: Radiation Safety
These guidelines are intended to aid PIs and individual laser users in preparing standard operating procedures (SOPs) for lasers and laser systems. The information should be used as a guide to allow you to develop a SOP that is specific to your laser system. The SOP should include all lasers in a given laser system including alignment and pumping lasers.
Laser location
Topic: Radiation Safety
- Form required for laser registration.
Topic: Radiation Safety
Topic: Radiation Safety
- Information and instructions for proper posting.
Topic: Radiation Safety