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Safety Brief - Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology Safety


Nanotechnology: Small Particles, Big Precautions

Nanotechnology involves the manipulation and control of materials at a very small scale, typically between 1 and 100 nanometers. Due to their small size, they exhibit unique properties that have many potential benefits, but also present distinct health risks with exposure. 

Engineering Controls

  • Utilize chemical fume hoods or other local exhaust ventilation systems when handling nanoparticles, especially during processes that could generate airborne particles.


Training and Awareness

  • Ensure all personnel receive proper training on nanomaterial hazards and safety protocols. Additionally, all processes that involve the manipulation of nanomaterials should be reviewed by Environmental Health and Safety. The nanotechnology use registration form can be found on the EHS website.


Contact EHS for any questions regarding nanomaterial use.

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