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Respiratory Protection Program

Ohio State’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) department, in compliance with state laws, adopted from Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules found on 29 CFR 1910.134, has developed a General Respiratory Protection Program. This program covers all faculty and staff employed at The Ohio State University, who are required to wear respiratory protection.


Obtaining a Respirator Process and Compliance Information for Faculty and Staff

If you are unsure whether your working environment or job duties require the use of a respirator, please contact EHS for a comprehensive hazard assessment (click the link and then select "Hazard Evaluation" from the Additional Service Requests.) EHS will evaluate your specific tasks and workplace conditions to determine if respiratory protections is necessary and will provide additional guidance on selecting the appropriate respiratory equipment.

Request an Assessment

If respiratory protection is required, users must complete the following to remain compliant within the Respiratory Protection Program and be eligible to wear a respirator:

  1. Obtain a Respirator Medical Clearance
  2. Complete Respiratory Protection Training
  3. Pass a Respirator Fit Test

All of these requirements must be completed on an annual basis.

Detailed instructions for each process are outlined below.

Respirator Medical Clearance


A respirator medical clearance is an evaluation that determines if an individual is medically fit to wear a respirator. This assessment is important because wearing a respirator can put additional physical stress on the user, especially on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

How to Obtain a Medical Clearance

Employees who have been notified by their employer or EHS through a hazard assessment that they may be exposed to hazards requiring the use of a respirator should first complete the Online Risk Assessment Tool (ORAT) and be sure to identify as a respirator user. Your submission will be reviewed by EHS and Ohio State Employee Health

How to Schedule a Medical Clearance Appointment

Medical clearance appointments are conducted by Ohio State Employee Health after your ORAT is accepted. The date and time of your medical clearance appointment will be emailed to the address provided in the ORAT submission. Documentation will be provided to the employee, employee’s supervisor, and EHS following the conclusion of the appointment.

Access Your ORAT

Respirator Protection Training


Respiratory protection training is a critical component of the university’s respiratory protection program. It equips respirator users with the knowledge and skills necessary to use respirators safely and effectively, ensuring their health and safety in environments where respiratory hazards are present

How to Complete Required Training

Online training for respiratory protection is available through the EHS training website or in BuckeyeLearn. Training takes approximately 20-30 minutes and requires a passing score greater than 70% to count as complete for the calendar year. Annual respiratory protection training is required for all respirator users.

Access Online Module

Respirator Fit Test


A respirator fit test is a procedure used to determine whether a respirator properly fits the face on an individual. This test ensures that the respirator forms a complete seal with the wearer’s face, preventing contaminants from leaking through gaps between the respirator and skin

How to Schedule a Fit Test

Main campus staff and employees may schedule a respirator fit test online by selecting the link below. Users will be prompted to sign-in with their name.#, select the type of fit test (e.g., N-95 or Half/Full-Face), and select the date and time of testing.

Medical Center Fit Testing

Ohio State Wexner Medical Center employees can arrange for fit testing through the Medical Center Safety department using MyTools or contact EHS directly for assistance

Where are Fit Tests Conducted?

Fit testing is conducted at the EHS department, located on West Campus. Directions and parking information can be found at the “Fit Test Location” link below.

Schedule a Fit Test             Fit Test Location

How do I know if I need a respirator?


What if, as a precaution, I want to wear a respirator on my own?

Employees not required to wear a respirator due to a known hazard may do so voluntarily. Voluntary users must be provided with information found in OSHA 1910.134 Appendix D. Specific requirements for voluntary usage based on type of respirator can be found below.

RequirementsFiltering Facepiece (N-95)Half/Full-FacePAPR
Written Respiratory ProgramNoYesYes
Medical ClearanceNoYesYes
Respirator Fit TestNoNoNo
Annual TrainingNoNoNo
Appendix DYesYesYes
Clean, Inspect, Maintain, and StoreYesYesYes
What if I already own a respirator?


Can I have facial hair when wearing a respirator?


Who is responsible for paying for my respirator and supplies?


Is a surgical mask the same as a respirator?


How do I don (put on) and doff (take off) my respirator?


How long can I wear the same particulate respirator (N-95)?