Tagged: Safety Brief

Workplace Safety Resources

New Safety Guidebook Available

Are you looking for a comprehensive guide that outlines essential safety programs and resources to help ensure the well-being of faculty, staff, visitors, and others?

Look no further than the newly available Workplace Safety Resources guidebook!

Cold Room Guidelines

What is a cold room?

Cold rooms are walk-in spaces that keep materials (typically for research purposes) below room temperatures. In most cases, the air in these rooms are 100% recirculated. Old air is not exhausted, or no new air is introduced unless the door to the room is opened. Due to this, cold rooms present unique hazards and guidelines must be followed to ensure safety.

Safety Tips:

OSHA® Safety Training

The Ohio State University and the Central Ohio American Society of Safety Professionals are hosting the Annual OSHA® Safety Day. 

FREE registration for students and Ohio State employees with preregistration. 

To Register:

  • Ohio State: Please email Cathy at black.539@osu.edu
  • Non-Ohio State:  Please visit ehs.osu.edu/osd

Please send questions to black.539@osu.edu


Safety Brief - Office Electrical Safety

Almost everything in an office today operates on electricity. Electrical equipment is potentially hazardous if improperly used or maintained. Below are tips to keep your workspace safe from electrical hazards.

Safety Brief - Compressed Gas Cylinders

Safety Brief - Compressed gas cylinders can be very useful in numerous ways, but improperly storing them can lead to very serious hazards. Severe injuries and property damage can occur if not handled correctly. Here are some tips on how to properly store these cylinders.

Proper Storage of Compressed Gas Cylinders

  • Always store upright with caps over the valves.

  • Cylinders should always be properly secured at all times to prevent falling or rolling.

  • Do not store incompatible gas cylinders (flammables/oxidizers).

Safety Brief - Box Cutter Safety

Box cutters can be very convenient tools that are easy to use. However, just because they are simple does not mean they are not hazardous. Follow the tips below to ensure you are handling these sharp objects safely!

Safety Tips

Safety Brief - Lifting Safety

Lift Smart - Think, Then Start!

Lifting heavy items is one of the biggest causes of injury in the workplace.

Improper heavy lifting can lead to:

Safety Brief - Dust Masks vs. Respirators

Particulate respirators and nuisance dust masks often are confused. These masks may look similar, but they have very important differences! If you wear a respirator in the workplace, make sure you know the differences and that you are wearing the appropriate equipment.

PDF file

Safety Brief - Stay Alert and Don’t Get Hurt

There are several hazards that exist for pedestrians traveling on and around campus. Do you know how to avoid dangerous situations? In this edition of the Environmental Health & Safety brief, learn a few tips to make it safely to your destination. 

PDF file

Safety Brief - 5 Steps to Ladder Safety

According to the International Association of Home Inspectors, there are more than 164,000 ladder-related injuries treated in the emergency room and 300 deaths annually in the United States caused by falls from ladders.  Remember to select the right ladder for the job and use only ladders in good condition.

These simple tips will help you walk away from your next project.

PDF file