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Winter Safety Tips

Winter Safety Tips


Here are some helpful safety tips and useful items that you can pack if you are traveling or on the road during this winter season.


Be prepared and pack the necessities during the cold season:

Cold and Flu Safety Brief

How do you know if you have the cold or flu?


While we are rapidly approaching the peak of cold and flu season, it is important to understand the differences between the common cold and the flu. Below are some common signs and symptons to prevent the early onset of the cold and flu during this season.


Safety Tips

Share the Road

With the upcoming school year rapidly approaching students, faculty, and staff are making their way back to campus. We all have places to go and people to see, but safety should be our top priority. Be mindful as you share the road that campus will get busy when classes are in full swing!

  • Go the designated speed limit and be aware of pedestrians, scooters, and cyclists and avoid any other distractions.

  • Be aware of increased motorized scooter users across campus, stay in a predictable line and adhere to par.

Things are Heating Up

As we are rapidly approaching summer`s peak, it is important to take preventative measures and be aware of the risks of dehydration and unhealthy habits. Here are a few tips to staying healthy while enjoying the heat:

Drink Water

  • Stay hydrated and don`t wait until you are thirsty, our bodies are made up to 60% water!

Make Use of Seasonal Produce

  • Avoid eating hot and heavy foods, and strive for fruits and vegetables that have high water content.

Mechanical Room Safety

Mechanical Room Safety

Ensuring mechanical room safety is vital for safeguarding both personnel and property. With numerous hazards present in these locations, a proactive approach is essential.

With the support of EHS resources, you have a guide to achieve the necessary level of safety in mechanical rooms. Contact EHS to learn about practical strategies and effective measures to enhance safety within your mechanical rooms.

Mechanical Room Hazards

Electrical Hazards

Workplace Safety Resources

New Safety Guidebook Available

Are you looking for a comprehensive guide that outlines essential safety programs and resources to help ensure the well-being of faculty, staff, visitors, and others?

Look no further than the newly available Workplace Safety Resources guidebook!

Cold Room Guidelines

What is a cold room?

Cold rooms are walk-in spaces that keep materials (typically for research purposes) below room temperatures. In most cases, the air in these rooms are 100% recirculated. Old air is not exhausted, or no new air is introduced unless the door to the room is opened. Due to this, cold rooms present unique hazards and guidelines must be followed to ensure safety.

Safety Tips:

OSHA® Safety Training

The Ohio State University and the Central Ohio American Society of Safety Professionals are hosting the Annual OSHA® Safety Day. 

FREE registration for students and Ohio State employees with preregistration. 

To Register:

  • Ohio State: Please email Cathy at
  • Non-Ohio State:  Please visit

Please send questions to


Safety Brief - Office Electrical Safety

Almost everything in an office today operates on electricity. Electrical equipment is potentially hazardous if improperly used or maintained. Below are tips to keep your workspace safe from electrical hazards.

Safety Brief - Compressed Gas Cylinders

Safety Brief - Compressed gas cylinders can be very useful in numerous ways, but improperly storing them can lead to very serious hazards. Severe injuries and property damage can occur if not handled correctly. Here are some tips on how to properly store these cylinders.

Proper Storage of Compressed Gas Cylinders

  • Always store upright with caps over the valves.

  • Cylinders should always be properly secured at all times to prevent falling or rolling.

  • Do not store incompatible gas cylinders (flammables/oxidizers).