Knowledge Base
- Guideline for disposing of electrophoresis gel and solutions.
Infectious waste spills must be contained and cleaned up immediately.
I. A spill kit containing absorbent material, bleach or another USEPA registered tuberculocidal disinfectant,
biohazard bags, gloves, eye protection, and a biohazard sharps container must be accessible in the laboratory.The collection, transportation and characterization of hazardous chemical waste at the Ohio State University falls under the direction of the Environmental Affairs program. In accordance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) the program encourages generators to utilize various chemical minimization methods to reuse, reduce the quantity and toxicity of chemical waste.
What is hazardous waste?
- The OSU Fall Protection Program outlines responsibilities for employees involved in elevated work; supervisors of employees involved in elevated work; elimination of fall hazards; and protection against fall hazards when they are present.
A laboratory animal facility (vivarium) is an extension of the research laboratory, and all requirements for work with biohazardous agents and toxic chemicals in the research laboratory are applicable to work in the animal facility. All animal work at the University shall be in compliance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (2010 revision) and the Laboratory Animal Welfare Regulations [Animal Welfare Act] (9 CFR Subchapter A, Parts 1, 2 and 3).
Topic: Research / Biosafety
Plumbed eyewashes, eye/face washes “...should be activated on a weekly basis long enough to sure flushing fluid is provided” according to the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standard Z358.1 5.5.2-- 2004.
Eyewash should meet the following requirements:
Topic: Research / Biosafety
Topic: Research / Biosafety