Knowledge Base

Steps to package biohazardous and infectious waste.

Topic: Environmental Affairs

Infectious waste spills must be contained and cleaned up immediately.

I. A spill kit containing absorbent material, bleach or another USEPA registered tuberculocidal disinfectant,
biohazard bags, gloves, eye protection, and a biohazard sharps container must be accessible in the laboratory.

Topic: Environmental Affairs, Research / Biosafety

  1. Assemble the infectious waste box provided by Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and ensure that all markings are oriented correctly with “Up Arrows” pointed upward.

  2. Tape all seams with sturdy packaging tape. NOTE: Masking tape is not acceptable.

  3. Line the infectious waste box with the EHS provided red plastic infectious waste bag prior to the

Topic: Environmental Affairs

Disinfectants are intended to destroy or irreversibly inactivate microorganisms (e.g., viruses, bacteria, and pathogenic fungi), but not necessarily spores and inanimate objects. Due to these beneficial properties, disinfectants are used for routine cleaning, treatment, as well as infectious waste spill containment and clean-up.

Topic: Environmental Affairs