Knowledge Base
- How to properly store radiation badges.
Topic: Radiation Safety
- Information and instructions for proper posting.
Topic: Radiation Safety
- Purpose of control badges and how to use them.
Topic: Radiation Safety
Closing Out Radioactive Material Use Laboratories
Close-out of labs posted for use of RAM normally will be performed only by written request of the Approved Supervisor, the University Radiation Safety Officer (URSO) or the University Radiation Safety Committee (URSC).
Upon receipt of a request or order to close out a lab, Radiation Safety (RS) staff will contact the Approved Supervisor and insure that the following tasks have been performed:
Topic: Radiation Safety
The Ohio State University is committed to the protection of human health and the environment. As such, the University strongly encourages faculty, staff, and students to utilize the various chemical minimization methods to reduce the quantity and toxicity of chemical wastes generated on campus. An important benefit of waste minimization is that it should reduce the ever increasing disposal costs, especially with the current and anticipated changes to state and federal regulations.
Topic: Environmental Affairs
The federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is the act that allows the Environmental Protection Agency to promulgate regulations governing the generation, transport, and disposal of “Universal Wastes”. The regulations were developed to promote the collection and recycling of special categories of hazardous waste.
Topic: Environmental Affairs
Topic: Environmental Affairs