Knowledge Base

Chemical States: Elemental, inorganic, and organic (alkyl/methyl and aryl/phenyl)

Order of Toxicity (Low to High): Elemental< inorganic< organic (aryl/phenyl< alkyl/methyl) Target Organs/Tissue: Kidneys, central nervous system (CNS)/brain, and skin


Topic: Environmental Affairs

Ohio EPA guideline for lead-acid batteries.

Topic: Environmental Affairs

Personal Protective Equipment (As Needed)

Topic: Environmental Affairs

What is a hazardous waste?

The first step in any pollution prevention plan is to understand what is a hazardous waste. Once you know what constitutes a hazardous waste, then you are able to evaluate your processes to determine whether you are a generator of hazardous waste. At this point you can put into practice your strategies for reducing your waste generation.

Topic: Environmental Affairs

Steps to package biohazardous and infectious waste.

Topic: Environmental Affairs

It is estimated that almost one half of household waste can be recycled and not sent to a landfill. However, a small portion would be considered a hazardous material. Many common household products contain hazardous chemicals that can pose a threat to people and the environment, especially when improperly handled or disposed.

Topic: Environmental Affairs

Infectious waste spills must be contained and cleaned up immediately.

I. A spill kit containing absorbent material, bleach or another USEPA registered tuberculocidal disinfectant,
biohazard bags, gloves, eye protection, and a biohazard sharps container must be accessible in the laboratory.

Topic: Environmental Affairs, Research / Biosafety

The table below lists some possible alternatives to chemicals routinely used in the laboratory. The alternatives represent less toxic or non-hazardous materials that will help in reducing hazardous waste generation.



Topic: Environmental Affairs

The objective of the monitoring plan is to establish a series of QA activities that will provide a high level of confidence in the data reported.

Topic: Environmental Affairs