Your safety is our top priority. Students, faculty, staff, visitors and patients are encouraged to report conditions that they believe could have resulted in more serious consequences so proper actions can be implemented to prevent future injuries or property damage. You truly are the key to keeping others safe by reporting a “Good Catch!”
The Good Catch Process

Report any unsafe condition or incident that could lead to an injury or property damage.

EHS will review the submission and determine next steps.

EHS may conduct further investigation, if deemed necessary.

EHS and stakeholders will discuss specific corrective actions to avoid similar incidents.

EHS will communicate any essential information to reinforce lessons learned.
Good Catch Vs. Near Miss
A Good Catch is recognition of an event or circumstance that had the potential to cause property damage or injury / illness, but did not occur thanks to a correction action and/or timely intervention following the reporting. A Near Miss is an incident that took place without property damage or personal injury/illness, but where given a shift in time or position, damage or injury easily could have occurred.
Knowing what qualifies as a Good Catch can save a lot of time during the review process. Below are some common examples that may be reported. If there is doubt, please submit a Good Catch report.
A good catch includes:
Chemical Hazards
Hazardous substances are stored or used improperly or are spilled.
Electrical Cord Tripping Hazard
Tripping over an electrical cord and falling without being injured (this time).
Yes. Slips, trips, and falls are common causes of workplace injuries. If someone else tripped over the same cord, they may not be as lucky. Move the cord to a safe location and then submit a Good Catch report.
Narrow Escapes
A shirt getting caught in a moving piece of equipment but tears off before it pulls the wearer into the equipment.
Risky Behaviors
An employee using a pallet jack incorrectly and knocking down a stack of heavy objects.
Smoking Electrical Outlet
An electric outlet starts to smoke, causing damage to equipment, but no one was hurt.
Yes. No one was shocked or burned, but there was a potential for that to happen. further investigation could determine by the outlet started to smoke, and corrective actions could be used on this and other outlets to prevent a similar incident.
Tool Falling From Elevated Platform
A tool falling from an elevated platform to the ground below, luckily where no one was standing.
Yes. It is fortunate no one was standing below. If this were to happen under different circumstances, someone could have been injured.
Unsafely Operating Machinery
Observing contractors operating a large piece of machinery unsafely on a campus construction site.
Yes. Operating large pieces of machinery in an unsafe manner is an extremely dangerous behavior. An investigation could find the individuals in question and provide an opportunity to correct those behaviors.
Wet Floor Slipping Hazard
Slipping on a wet floor because of appropriate signage not in place during mopping.
Yes. Submit a Good Catch report to allow corrective measures to avoid such a situation in the future.
Working at Heights, Falls
Seeing someone not wearing any fall protection when working at an elevated height.
A good catch does NOT include:
Reporting Individuals Not Following COVID-19 Protocols
University accountability measures are in place for those who do not abide by required health and safety guidelines. These measures may range from additional training and informal coaching to formal disciplinary action based on existing structures for students, faculty and staff.
Reporting Suspicious Activity
Always report suspicious behavior on campus to University Police at 614-292-2121 or off-campus to Columbus Police at 614-645-4545. Dial 9-1-1 in an emergency.
Suffering a Laceration
Suffering a laceration from a sharp object that requires medical attention more than basic first aid.
No. For any injury involving medical attention more than basic first aid, visit medical services and fill out an employee accident report.
Witnessing an Automobile Accident
Witnessing an automobile accident involving two vehicles.
No. Automobile accidents should be reported to 9-1-1 immediately or to the Ohio State Police Division, even if the accident involved a university-owned vehicle.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use this report to report injuries and illnesses?
Report any incidents that resulted in either an injury or illness via the Employee Accident Report or other required methods. A “Good Catch” report should not be used for this instance.
Will I get in trouble if I submit a Good Catch report?
No. One of the main purposes of the program is to help promote a proactive safety culture. Anyone submitting a report will not face discipline for doing so.
May I report anonymously?
Any Good Catch report can be submitted anonymously, but it is recommended that you provide contact information so EHS can request any additional information and so the results of the investigation can be shared with you for corrective action. All personal information will be kept internal and not shared with the university community, unless agreed by all parties.
How soon should I submit a Good Catch report after an incident?
The sooner, the better. The longer it takes to complete the report, the more likely important information may be forgotten or misinterpreted. EHS would like to respond on a timely basis to help avoid any further incidents.
Why is it important to report a Good Catch?
It is very important to report any incident or behavior that you believe could have resulted in more serious consequences so proper actions can be implemented to prevent future injuries or property damage. You truly are the key to keeping others safe by reporting a Good Catch!
Should I fill out the Good Catch report if my department has a similar program in place?
You may still fill out a Good Catch report in addition to your department reporting program.
What is the difference between a Good Catch and a Near Miss?
A Good Catch is recognition of an event or circumstance which had the potential to cause property damage or injury / illness, but did not occur thanks to a correction action and/or timely intervention following the reporting. A Near Miss is an incident that took place that did not result in property damage or personal injury/illness, but where given a shift in time or position, damage or injury easily could have occurred.
Good Catch News
Good Catch Spotlight - Chemical Safety
Your safety is our top priority.
Students, faculty, staff, visitors and patients are encouraged to report conditions that they believe could have resulted in more serious consequences so proper actions can be implemented to prevent future injuries or property damage.
Good Catch Spotlight - Explosive Compound
Your safety is our top priority. Students, faculty, staff, visitors and patients are encouraged to report conditions that they believe could have resulted in more serious consequences so proper actions can be implemented to prevent future injuries or property damage.
Good Catch Spotlight - Active Gas Line
Your safety is our top priority. Students, faculty, staff, visitors and patients are encouraged to report conditions that they believe could have resulted in more serious consequences so proper actions can be implemented to prevent future injuries or property damage.