Your safety is our top priority. Students, faculty, staff, visitors and patients are encouraged to report conditions that they believe could have resulted in more serious consequences so proper actions can be implemented to prevent future injuries or property damage. A recent example of a Good Catch is listed below.
Tagged: Good Catch
Good Catch Spotlight - Active Gas Line
Your safety is our top priority. Students, faculty, staff, visitors and patients are encouraged to report conditions that they believe could have resulted in more serious consequences so proper actions can be implemented to prevent future injuries or property damage. A recent example of a Good Catch is listed below.
Incident Title – Active Gas Line in Scheduled Building Demolition
Good Catch Spotlight - Mechanical Room Hazards
Incident Type – Unsafe Condition
Good Catch Program
In autumn 2020, Environmental Health and Safety launched the Good Catch Program to help prevent injuries or property damage and improve the safety culture in the university. The program provides a new avenue for anyone in the university community to report unsafe acts, conditions, or equipment.
Good Catch Spotlight - Ladder Misuse
Incident Type - Unsafe Act and Unsafe Use of Equipment
EHS Launches Good Catch Program
FOD’s Environmental Health and Safety team is excited to announce that the Good Catch program, which has a goal to reduce accidents in the workplace and classroom environments, is launching this week. The program was initially piloted with select campus users, including representatives from Athletics, Facilities Operations and Development, Office of Compliance, Office of Research, Office of Student Life and the Wexner Medical Center.