Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) assists the university community in providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for students, faculty, staff, contractors and visitors.
Environmental Health and Safety Annual Report

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) assists the university community in providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for students, faculty, staff, contractors and visitors.
What is a cold room?
The Ohio State University and the Central Ohio American Society of Safety Professionals are hosting the Annual OSHA® Safety Day.
FREE registration for students and Ohio State employees with preregistration.
To Register:
Each year, EHS conducts a laboratory safety site visit of all campus research laboratories using hazardous chemicals and biological materials. The site visit focuses on appropriate facilities, protocols that minimize risks, and properly trained competent personnel. Achieving compliance is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice!
As shared on the Office of Academic Affairs website, in 2019, Ohio State began to implement a university-wide Shared Values Initiative that reminds us of the values that we share as a university community and our shared commitment to those values. The Shared Values are: