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  • Chemical Monitoring Services

    Many employees on campus work with potentially hazardous chemicals. A common hazard associated with some chemicals is the potential for internal exposure, caused by inhaling the chemical’s vapors or fumes.

    Do you know if you are being over-exposed to the chemicals you work with?

  • Safety Brief - Chemical Fume Hoods

    A chemical fume hood is type of local ventilation device that is designed to limit exposure to hazardous or toxic fumes, vapors, or dusts. Many different types of fume hoods exist, but there are certain rules that should be followed for all types of chemical fume hoods.

  • Safety Brief - Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) Act

    The role and mission of the PERRP Act is to ensure public employees in Ohio have safe and healthy working conditions. The Act also requires public employers to display a “notice” to inform employees of their rights and responsibilities. In this edition of the Environmental Health and Safety brief, learn how to get a printed copy of the required poster.

  • Safety Brief - Healthy Habits to Help Prevent Illness

    Healthy habits can prevent or stop the spread of infections. In this edition of the Environmental Health and Safety brief, learn a few tips to follow to help prevent and spread possible infections.

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