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  • Safety Brief - Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) Act

    The role and mission of the PERRP Act is to ensure public employees in Ohio have safe and healthy working conditions. The Act also requires public employers to display a “notice” to inform employees of their rights and responsibilities. In this edition of the Environmental Health and Safety brief, learn how to get a printed copy of the required poster.

  • Safety Brief - Healthy Habits to Help Prevent Illness

    Healthy habits can prevent or stop the spread of infections. In this edition of the Environmental Health and Safety brief, learn a few tips to follow to help prevent and spread possible infections.

  • Introduction to Laboratory Safety & EHS Course

    Environmental Health and Safety will be offering the Introduction to Laboratory Safety & EHS course on February 13, 2018.  This 1/2-day course (12:30 – 4:30 p.m.)  is intended to give a high level overview of lab safety and Environmental Health and Safety at The Ohio State University.

  • New Online Risk Assessment Tool Launches Nov. 1

    The Office of Research and Environmental Health and Safety are launching a new user-friendly web-based tool for conducting risk-based assessments – the Online Risk Assessment Tool (ORAT). The ORAT will replace the existing Occupational Health Registry on November 1, 2017.

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